Indonesian Reformed Theological Seminary (Timor) aims to prepare students to serve God and His church through the teaching of His Word. Our hope isthat through this seminary the students can be trained to be servants of God and live in accordance with the Scriptures as it is summarized in the Reformed creeds.
IRTS - Timor is a Reformed Seminary. The word "reformed" simply means "back to the original form," that is, the form which God Himself intended and revealed in His Word, the Bible. The word "reformed" points to the Word of God as the solid foundation of the Church with Jesus Christ as its only head.
We believe that the Bible (Old Testament and New Testament) as originally written are God's inerrant Word inspired by His Spirit and therefore are the only, sufficient, and infallible authority for faith and practice.
B. Visi dan Misi
1. Visi
Menjadi Perguruan Tinggi mandiri dan unggulan di bidang pendidikan guru agama Kristen, pastoral dan misionari di Indonesia.
2. Misi
Melengkapi orang-orang percaya menjadi pelayan Tuhan yang berakar dalam Firman Allah dan mampu dalam meluaskan Kerajaan-Nya.
Melayani gereja dalam mendidik dan melengkapi anggotanya untuk menjadi pelayan/pemimpin yang berkompeten melalui pendidikan teologi, agar dapat berfungsi sebagai gembala jemaat, penginjil, pendidik, dan pemimpin gereja.
Melengkapi para calon pemimpin gereja menjadi pelayan-pelayan Firman dalam berbagai bidang pelayanan sesuai dengan karunia masing-masing.
Mempersiapkan pelayan-pelayan yang sanggup melayani secara efektif dalam pelayanan misi atau menjadikan misioneris yang handal dalam bidangnya.